Everything here represents my own opinion and not the opinion of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection or the United Methodist Church.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

In the past few months, I have become more interested in the emerging church conversation that is taking place in various places within Christianity. I have currently been reading through a series of books written by Brian McClaren. I just finished A New Kind of Christian and am started on The Story We Find Ourselves In. I am intrigued by the ideas and thoughts about Christianity that are presented in these books so far. Have you read either of these books?

In addition, the UMerging Colloquy is “a gathering of United Methodists interested in the Emerging Church conversation.” (UMerging Colloquy Schedule). I will be taking part in this colloquy and am looking forward to the conversations that will be taking place. For more information visit: http://www.umerging.org/. Do you have any thoughts on emerging worship / church? Send me an email and let me know if you are interested in this conversation.